Laundry on Tuesday was an adventure in creativity, crisis management and unwavering love in action. Our team has seen a lot - especially in the last 16 months - but we all have noticed the level of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion our neighbors are experiencing is at an all time high.
One neighbor seemed in particularly rough shape so we made a place for him to sit and gave him water and Liquid IV. We learned that in addition to what appeared to be heat stroke, he was suffering from an infection. He complained of feeling cold in 90+ degree heat, and started shivering so we called for an ambulance. While on site, the Clackamas Fire crew took time to connect with our youngest volunteer and made his night.
Check in took longer than usual as we worked to provide laundry, hygiene supplies and a meal to 83 neighbors, many of whom had additional needs. Folks showed extra care and kindness to one another, waiting patiently in the heat and acknowledging the heightened level of need among one another. We passed out nearly 200 Otter Pops and lots of bottled water while folks waited.
Five new volunteers jumped in without hesitation, sharing hope while helping. This is the stuff that changes lives - building trust through relationship. Thank you Kirsten, Logan, Jessica, John and Troylynn!
Thank you to Stephanie and Milwaukie Lutheran Church for the delicious dinner, Dan &
Sarah Mills and Grocery Outlet for the bottled water, Lifeline First Aid for the AM/FM radios, our amazing community of supporters for the AAA batteries for said radios, and Anna with Cascade AIDS Project for providing onsite testing.
We absolutely adore this community of humans we get to be part of.